Know How we Find your Discovery to Growth to Scale

Our unique and proprietary “H-shaped BI insights generation engine©” allows us to offer the next step in insight-led decision-making process.

3 Answers you Should Know it

  • What is happening?
  • Why it is happening?
  • What is Action enabled for decision making?

Skilled market research pillar: Shows “what is happening?”


Consultative skills: Tells “Why it is happening?”


Desirable | What is desirable from a user perspective?

  • What is the value proposition for the users?
  • What pain points does it address?
  • How acceptable is it?
  • Does it support underlying business objectives?

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Feasible | What is feasible (regarding technology, resources and assets, legal frameworks, etc.)?

  • Is the solution feasible for technology, resources, assets, legal, and partners?
  • How does it fits in data security and privacy requirements?
  • What are the legal and ethical constraints?
  • How does it integrates with present workflow?

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Viable | What is viable from a business perspective?

  • What is the business model?
  • What are the cost benefits?
  • Who all are playing?
  • How does it depend on the evidence of effectiveness?

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Effective | What is the intended benefit and how it impacts business?

  • What is the intended use and benefit of the solution?
  • How measurable is the success or failure?
  • How much evidence is enough?
  • How do we measure post market effectiveness?

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Work Process

How We Work


Frame the Problem

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Collect Data

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Process Data

Evening do forming observe spirits is in. Country hearted be of justice sending. On so they as with room cold


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Apple Just Crippled IDFA, Sending An $80 Billion Industry Into Upheaval

That tremor in the Force you felt yesterday probably wasn’t shock at being able to text your car keys in Apple’s new iOS 14 or do real-time offline translation with Siri. Instead, it was Apple’s shot across the bow of an $80 billion industry. The IDFA is dead. Long live the IDFA. Yesterday Apple announced iOS 14, its […]

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The pandemic economy: What’s selling online in COVID-19?

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